Dec 21, 2011

Season's Greetings from the SIGHT team!

We gathered to celebrate the year's end and had an amazing time
eating, drinking, playing games and being merry!
 some of our white elephant gifts
 a few of the SIGHT girls and Dr. L's daughter Kate
part of the SIGHT team and their significant others

Dec 14, 2011

do you LaLoop?

We love our LaLoops!
What is a LaLoop you ask?
Well, it's the solution to carrying your eyewear around. These beautifully designed necklaces are not only a great accessory, but they double as a functional item on which to hang your eyewear.
Do you go between your suns and your opthamic frames?
Now, instead of placing your frames back in your purse or on top of your head, you can store them temporarily on your LaLoop.
We also just got a brand new order in for the Holiday Season - Hooray!

Our First Post...

Welcome to SIGHT's blog!
We hope you enjoy viewing our office, staff and frame styles. Stay tuned for some fun posts, team recommendations, eye health updates, the latest eyewear trends, and some interesting interviews...